SSHIFTB World TB Day 2022 Video Series

SSHIFTB World TB Day 2022 Video Series

Organized by SSHIFTB

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Who is this for?

World TB Day 2022

What are we doing?

Thank you for being part of the Social Science and Health Innovation for Tuberculosis (SSHIFTB) World TB Day 2022 Video Series. Please take a moment to record yourself answering any (or all) of the following prompt questions! Please state your name and geographical location at the beginning of each video.

Questions to answer in your video

  • Tell us about one interesting social science TB project that you are working on?
  • Tell us what your favourite social science theory is and explain the point of it in simple terms!


Answer a single question or both questions

How do I record a great video?

Not ready to record?

RSVP and we'll remind you when the deadline approaches.

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