Wedding Tribute for Sarah and Nathan

Wedding Tribute for Sarah and Nathan

Organized by Sarah Bowe

Time left to add your video:

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How do I record a great video?

Who is this for?

Sarah and Nathan

What are we doing?

Our maid of honor is creating a video montage (or "Tribute") for us. It will only take you a minute to film and submit your video. It should make for an unforgettable gift! Even if you can’t be there on our wedding day, please be a part of this! We’d love to see the faces of everyone who means the world to us. Don't be the last to submit!

Questions to answer in your video

  • What is your favorite thing about Sarah and Nathan?
  • Why do you love Sarah and Nathan?


Answer a single question or both questions

How do I record a great video?

Not ready to record?

RSVP and we'll remind you when the deadline approaches.

Know someone who deserves a Tribute?

Mark the date in your calendar and GET 20% OFF!

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