Birthday Surprise video for Mike Batt
Organized by Batt family Video
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Who is this for?
Mike Batt
What are we doing?
Hello lovely family and friends!It’s Julianne (Batt) here with a little request to help make a SURPRISE video for Mike for his 75th Birthday on February 6th!The family were wondering/hoping that you might be able record a Happy Birthday message and send to us to edit all together to show him on the day.Videos can be as short or long as you like! It should be easy to do if you have followed this link, but please get in touch if you have any trouble or any questions!Thanks so so much in advance Love and ThanksJulianne and Batt video HQ XXX
Questions to answer in your video
- Help us make a surprise birthday video for Mike's 75th Birthday!!
How do I record a great video?
Not ready to record?
RSVP and we'll remind you when the deadline approaches.
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