Graduation Tribute for Luca Mele

Graduation Tribute for Luca Mele

Organized by Tara Mele

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Who is this for?

Luca Mele

What are we doing?

Luca is graduating high school and like many others is missing the opportunity to walk across the stage and be recognized for his accomplishment. This is an opportunity to share some words of wisdom or just a quick congratulations. Nothing fancy or complicated needed but I know Luca will appreciate hearing from you all. I will take your videos and create a montage for him (maybe I will make him put on his cap and gown and listen!)Luca is planning to go on to culinary school next year at AB Tech and get a degree in Pastry Arts. He is excited about this next chapter and and I am proud to say he even received some scholarship money.Please help me recognize Luca. I know for me there was a moment in time when I did not know if he was going to be alive to see his high school graduation, so it has joyous implications beyond just the accomplishment.

Questions to answer in your video

  • What is your favorite thing about Luca Mele?
  • What is your advice for Luca Mele?


Answer a single question or both questions

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