Thank You Tribute for Julie Byerley
Organized by Travis Shaw
Time left to add your video:
Who is this for?
Julie Byerley
What are we doing?
We are creating a video montage (or "Tribute") for Julie Byerley. It will only take you a minute to film and submit your video. It should make for an unforgettable gift that shares our collective love and appreciation. Don't be the last to submit!
-Keep it fun, light hearted, and fun!
-If using a cell phone to record the video, please turn the phone horizontal. Please make sure that your video/audio quality is as good as you can.
-Feel free to re-record it as many times as you need until you are happy with it!
-We really appreciate your video submission to make this Tribute great!
Questions to answer in your video
- What do you appreciate most about Julie Byerley?
- What is your favorite memory with Julie Byerley?
Answer a single question or both questions
Not ready to record?
RSVP and we'll remind you when the deadline approaches.
Know someone who deserves a Tribute?
Mark the date in your calendar and GET 20% OFF!