Life in Love and Memory: Tribute for Judi Rentschler
Organized by Alexandra Bryden
Time left to add your video:
Who is this for?
Judi Rentschler
What are we doing?
We are creating a video montage (or "Tribute") to celebrate the life and love of Judi Rentschler. It will only take you a minute to film and submit your video. This will be something our family can watch and share with grandkids to let Judi's laughter ring down the halls again and to brighten our days with the ray of sunshine that followed her into every room she walked through. We invite and encourage you to share a story or memory, some truth she taught you or a way she touched your life, to help us keep our sparkling, glittering gem of a wife, a friend, a "gram," and a mom alive in our hearts.
Questions to answer in your video
- What is your favorite memory with Judi Rentschler?
- Tell Judi's grandkids something they should know and learn to love about their "Gram."
Answer a single question or both questions
Not ready to record?
RSVP and we'll remind you when the deadline approaches.

Know someone who deserves a Tribute?
Mark the date in your calendar and GET 20% OFF!