End of Life Tribute for Gretchen Norman/Elliston

End of Life Tribute for Gretchen Norman/Elliston

Organized by Bill Elliston

Time left to add your video:

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Who is this for?

Gretchen Norman/Elliston

What are we doing?

As you may know, Gretchen died on September 18th, 2023. Her family is inviting you to share your memories and experiences of this incredible person with a video. Please take a few minutes to record and share how Gretchen touched your life and/or made the world around us a better place (I know it may be challenging but please try to record something under 5 minutes).

Questions to answer in your video

  • What is your favorite memory with Gretchen Norman/Elliston?
  • How has your life been impacted by Gretchen Norman/Elliston?


Answer a single question or both questions

How do I record a great video?

Not ready to record?

RSVP and we'll remind you when the deadline approaches.


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