Empowering Action's 10th Anniversary
Organized by Kent Husted
Time left to add your video:
Who is this for?
Empowering Action
What are we doing?
We are creating a celebration video for Empowering Action's 10th Anniversary. It will only take you a minute or two to film and submit your video, but it will be a great encouragement to all who have been a part of the Lord's journey for EA over the past decade. "Oh give thanks to the Lord, for He is good, for His lovingkindness is everlasting." (Psalm 107:1)
Questions to answer in your video
- Share an encouraging word to our staff and fellow supporters about EA.
- Share how you have been blessed by interacting with the global church through Empowering Action.
Answer a single question or both questions
Not ready to record?
RSVP and we'll remind you when the deadline approaches.

Know someone who deserves a Tribute?
Mark the date in your calendar and GET 20% OFF!