BK25 Leadership Conference

BK25 Leadership Conference

Organized by Debbie Phillips

Time left to add your video:

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How do I record a great video?

Who is this for?

Bradken Customer Feedback

What are we doing?

We are creating a video montage for our upcoming Bradken Mining Leaders Conference to assist our team to understand what our customers like about Bradken, and what we can do better to optimise the future for our customers. We would be grateful if you can take minute to film and submit your video. Don't be the last to submit!

Questions to answer in your video

  • Please start with your name, the organisation you represent and your job title. What do you like about Bradken? What can Bradken do to better optimise your organisation's future?
How do I record a great video?

Not ready to record?

RSVP and we'll remind you when the deadline approaches.

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